A Para-WHAT?


PARAPRO (short for PARAPROFESSIONAL)  : a trained aide who assists a professional person (in this case, a TEACHER)

MUSE : (n) a woman who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist.
(v) be absorbed in thought; say to oneself in a thoughtful manner

This blog was created to amuse, inspire and chronicle the year in the life of a computer-nerd/stay-at-home-mom turned Parapro.  All events are REAL, but might be sprinkled with hyperbole.  All names have been removed or altered to protect the not-so-innocent.   While not meant to offend, there will inevitably be someone who is… my advice?  Calm down and grow a funny bone.. or check out one of the other 152 million blogs on the web.  Surely you can find something you like.