It Doesn’t Do This In Texas Very Often


So the weather forecast for the past few days has been heralding gloom and doom – snowpocolypse… sub-zero temps – serious bread and milk shortages (why do people buy up all the milk and bread in weather events? I don’t get it.) – total wrath of God event according to the local news reporters. Northerners are snickering and rolling their eyes I’m sure as we buckle down, gear up and dig in for the worst weather week of our lives!! Since we are all ill-prepared for such disasters, or at least I am, it was necessary to order in a large dog crate from Tractor Supply for Pepper, my half Labrador / half Border Collie. There’s no way I can keep her warm enough, even in our outside structures and barns, so my solely outside guard dog will be a house dog until this wintry weather has abated.

Then there are the cats, who already live inside, but do take treks outdoors from time to time – but that won’t be happening for a while…

Having all these animals in the house with no reprieve is already wearing me down! The cats were yowling at the door at 5AM, not understanding why I’m not up yet; the dog was hopping up and down in her crate with her legs crossed, desperately needing to go pee… so I wrapped up, leashed her up, took her out in the sleet (no snow yet.. just ice… darn you Texas weather) and let her do her business. Then she thought it would be great fun to yank me all over the top three acres, promising to poop, but never coming through. I finally told her ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and brought her in. Now she’s back in her cage because she thought “chase the cats through the house” was also big fun – wrong-o. I’m just not good company at that time of morning, especially before coffee.

To add to the pet drama.. Scooter the kitten was spayed last weekend and is still in recovery. We realized within the first 20 seconds of having her home that the “cone of shame” wasn’t going to work out long-term (2 weeks.. are you serious???) – so I ordered her a cat surgery suit that covers her sutures, in CAMO pattern, of course. We’re calling her Rambo now. It’s funny watching her walk around like a 13 year old wearing her first thong bikini – like she has the most super-power-wedgie ever and doesn’t quite know what to do about it – but it’s still much better than the backwards trek she was making through the house trying to back out of the cone and getting stuck behind furniture.

There was a short break in the weather, so I let Neo Cat go out for a stroll – the only cat I’ve ever met that will walk through a creek with no issues and romp through snow at his feeble attempts to catch a bird (he’s 13.. ). I also took Pepper out for a bathroom break and ended up letting her run around in her large play area for awhile. I honestly think the house has been TOO warm for her with all that thick fur and fat. She managed a good long potty break and by the time she got back inside, happily went back to her dog crate and took a nap. I’m thinking she has the right idea – I may do the same… except on the sofa.. not a crate…

Slow down, dude


Met lots of cool kids at the Car Seat Inspection Program today.. one little boy, age 4, was rapid-firing questions at me:

KID: Why do moths eat clothes in a closet but not on your body.. do you wear that uniform all the time… why does cement dry so fast… how do rocks get on the parking lot…
ME: Um.. no, I don’t wear this all the time, cement “dries” quickly because of a chemical reaction, rocks probably get here by getting stuck to people’s tires..
KID: You didn’t answer my first question.

I should have known what I was up against when I read his shirt: “MOM’S LITTLE GENIUS”

Spider Coffee


When you are drinking your morning coffee, feel something not right in your mouth, pull out a SPIDER that took a swim while you weren’t looking…. contemplate the coffee… finish drinking it…. hey… you’ve already gotten spider germs, and what are the odds that there are two of them in there? I think I’ve finally passed into OLD PERSON zone – just don’t care anymore….

Lost and Found for Cats


I couldn’t find my cat last night – I was pretty sure he was in the house, but he’s black, so when he hides in a dark place it’s impossible to see him! This morning I slept in (6:58AM WOO HOO) and when I got up I heard a mournful cry at the front door. I opened it, and he wasn’t there… ?? So I’m looking all around then I hear it again at the front door.. AHA! He had gotten closed up in the hall closet. Dumb cat. Bad Pet Owner.. He was very thirsty and then ran outside very quickly to pee – kind of sounds like ME in the morning.. except I don’t go outside to pee.. thought I should clarify… 😛

New School Years & New Beginnings


So at the end of the 2017-18 school year, I turned in my notice — I am not returning to the school district for the 2018-19 school year.  My place for the next few months (which is as far as I can really see right now) is following my daughter around during her freshman year of high school as she begins her wonder-fantastical life in marching band!  After quite a few hot, humid days of summer band in Texas heat, I’m not sure she would call it wonder-fantastical, but I promise you (and her) that she’ll look back on these days as some of her best.

Continue reading

After school ….


CHIROPRACTOR: Do you feel like you lost some of your progress over the weekend?

ME: I feel like I’m not getting off this nice comfy table. Just shut off the lights and leave me here till morning.

Calm down cat!


When you are fed up with your cat’s antics and just put a laundry basket over them… Yeah… I’m there.

Turn it down!


RACHEL: Somebody needs to tell the teachers that the purpose of a microphone is to magnify your voice… you don’t have to YELL into the microphone. You are missing the entire reason for having a microphone.. you can talk normally and everyone can hear you.

She’s right, you know…

Ain’t nobody got time for that


Helping Rachel with math homework…

RACHEL: Oh, this is scientific notation, that’s easy.
ME: Good, because I don’t remember how to do that…
RACHEL: I can teach you…
ME: Will I need that knowledge tomorrow? then NO.

She’s learned not to be too disappointed in my lack of scholarly zeal.

I need a book. now.


Dear Amazon seller… you are too slow. I am going into book withdrawals as my book languishes in some bodunk USPS station near Billings, Montana. I have resorted to reading the ingredients in Rachel’s lotion. Thanks. Thanks a bunch.